We Must Turn Down The Heat….

Saman Naqvi
2 min readJul 5, 2023


I am no more a summer lover because I always become too much sweaty and heat is comparably less bearable for me now. It would not be wrong to say that I will be the first one to turn the degrees of AC down when sitting with my colleagues in a mediocre temperature.

But what if I tell you that the climate is now giving us the taste of our own medicine?

That’s correct. The global temperature has risen by an average of 1 degree Celsius since 1850s but many places are warmer that that. This adversely affected the temperature of Arctic as its temperature has risen by 4 degree Celsius Tis means that the coldest night in Arctic has become 4 degrees warmer. If the average temperature rises by 2 degree Celsius then the coldest nights in Arctic will be warmer up to 10 degrees. Whereas the Asian countries like India and Pakistan, the days are warmer by 5 degrees. This is, obviously, due to burning of fossil fuels and more and more trapping of Carbon dioxide and Methane in the temperature which are not letting the infrared radiations to go in space. The scientists predict that the average temperature can rise up to 4 degree Celsius by 2100 if we do not stop adding green house gases to the atmosphere. This will increase the negative impacts of climate change to the mother Earth resulting in forest fires, rise in sea level, volcanic activities and many more.

There is a myth that a frog resting in a water at normal temperature forgets to jump out when that water is put on a stove and finally dies inside. In real, he quickly jumps out as soon as he feels that the temperature of the surrounding water is rising. But what we, as human beings, are doing?

This is the high time we need to limit the addition of greenhouse gasses to the temperature or have to pull the emissions down to net zero which means if we cannot completely control emission, we need to pull out a certain amount we emit out. The green economy has to be maintained and for this purpose, studies say financial institutions have pledged trillions to transform the economy and accelerate a counter mechanism to control climate change. But this is a big worry and a layman does not know how adverse their effects can be on future generations!



Saman Naqvi

I am struggling to grow each day by unlearning the things becoming hurdle in my way!